Welcome to DexterChem!

Chaitanya Rastogi

Access all your PDF notes for your classes and practice problems for JEE Main and JEE Advanced right here! With our convenient platform, you can easily refer to all the study materials you need to excel in your studies. Whether you're preparing for exams or just need to catch up on your coursework, our comprehensive collection of resources has got you covered. Don't waste time searching for notes or practice problems in different places when you can find everything you need in one location. Stay organized and stay ahead of the curve with our helpful tools and resources. Start using our platform today and take your JEE preparation to the next level!


Kushal Kishore
JEEA - AIR 11965

I had a mains rank of 37k (96.7 percentile), around the time when the results came out youtube recommended me DEXTER CHEM channel in which chaitanya sir was going to start a crash course for jee advanced with full planner, so i decided to stick to it as my chemistry was the weakest among the three subjects . As I started attending his lectures and practising the sheets which he was providing my chemistry started to improve at a much faster pace than expected. In advanced I managed to get AIR 11965 and DEXTER CHEM has played a very vital role in it. Thankyou.

Mayank Pratap Singh
JEEA - AIR 2624

Chaitanya Sir helped me a lot in the last month of my preparation... His short but indepth revision videos helped me a lot in the last month of my preparation... It boosted my chemistry prep and I scored highest in it... I would thank Chaitanya Sir for uploading such valuable content on yt which helped students like me

Harshit Panda
JEEM- AIR 12490

I'm delighted to share how DexterChem played a pivotal role in my JEE Mains and Advanced success. Sir's engaging teaching style and dedication made complex concepts manageable. He went above and beyond, offering extra practice sessions and unwavering support. Thanks to Sir and DexterChem's materials, I achieved my goals. I highly recommend DexterChem to all JEE aspirants. Thank you, Sir and DexterChem, for making my success possible!


-Qualified CSIR NET with AIR-63

-Gold Medalist (PG – University of Hyderabad 2010-2012)

-11+ years of teaching experience

-Mentored over 1000+ IITians.

-Ex-Senior Faculty (OC) at BANSAL CLASSES KOTA.

-Ex-HOD (Chemistry) at VMC.

-Been In-charge of AITS of FIITJEE (South Delhi).